About us!

Looking to the past  ---  and to the future

The start of the Tibama-breeding:  Going through old photos made me pick out these photos for the site.  Most of the people in the showring today have never seen them.  They were the start of our Tibama-story.

From the left: Ch.Javita Royal Gesture of Deltika, Rybergets Jewel, Int Norw.Sw.Ch.Sorata Julius, Kavaleren's Yankie Boy. (Photo from 1992)

Ch.Amantra Sea of Love as a youngster (Photo from 1995)

From the left: Aqua Marine of Homerbrent (as a puppy), Ch.Sorata Julius, Ch.Javita Royal Gesture of Deltika.  (Late1992)

Lots of things have happened since then.  All the dogs above lived up to really good ages.  The last one leaving us was Ch.Amantra Sea of Love who passed away in March this year, 13 years old.

However, even though old memories still linger in our minds, we think of the future.  We have spent lots of time over the last couple of years building a foundation for further development of our dogs and our breeding.  Long experience with our breeding gives us a great advantage.  We have extensive, first-hand information on our dogs, their parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and even another generation or two behind them.  We have got the opportunity to select the breeding path we truly believe in, and always trying to be one step ahead.  Breeding is always trying to make things better

Even if we have owned and bred some particolours during all these years, the wholecolours have been the main thing.  We have just rarely shown up particolours.  Coming back with some parti-colours in the show ring now signals a small change of direction for Tibama, but this does not mean any increase in the number of dogs. We just try to have a more balanced group of dogs.

Having been a family with 6 members working with the dogs for many years, the time runs on here as everywhere else.  Bjørnar - our youngest son - is still with us at home and in the show ring, while our three other children at the moment more or less are busy doing other things as well.  On the other side Aud's health has given her some problems, but at the same time the possibility of staying at home all the time.

As a natural result of this, our total number of dogs have decreased systematically over the last couple of years.  Our dogs do live up to really good ages, which we highly appreciate.  Nevertheless; we have lost some of the oldest during the last two years.  Most of the members of the youngsters we kept three-four years ago, are replaced to pet homes, and we are going on rehoming some youngsters this autumn as well. 

At the same time we have renewed our stud dogs wanting to bring some fresh blood into our breeding.  We have been really lucky in having the opportunity of getting cavaliers - both whole-colours and parti-colours, who go back to the same breeding as we have already got, but at the same time they do bring some fresh blood into our own breeding.  For example; the two Salador males gave us some space in the whole-colour breeding.  We have also been really happy to have the Amantra particoloured cavaliers, who go back to the same good old dogs as our beloved Sally did.  The dogs with Harana-breeding and the particolours with Amantra-breeding suit thus excellent in with the breeding we have already got. We can then go on with the breeding we know, and at the same time having some fresh blood in the breeding. The lovely B/T-male, whom Heidi Junghans kindly kept for us for a whole year waiting for the blood tests to be correct, is in the same way a lovely, necessary and well suiting addition to our wholecolour-breeding.  This young boy goes back to the same Harana-breeding on his father side as we got ourselves in the early ninties.  Please have a look at his gorgious head under males, where his pedigree is shown as well.  We are extremely thankful to Heidi and Dieter for this very special boy, as we also appreciate the way they have cared for and shown up Tibama's Moonlight Memories, who was born here two and a half years ago.  She is now a German youth-champion and will be soon be back in the ring after her first litter, showing for her German championship.

Tibama is moving on.  Our way into the future is running on with a smaller gang, though still packed with quality.  Our main focus will still remain whole-colours, but hopefully we can support a small, solid team of particolours as well. We feel convinced our breeding is unique, and we do believe that these lovely dogs will give us lots of happiness, fun and also open a lot of opportunities for breeding nice and sound dogs in the years to come.


Below you can read the detailed story about the Tibama's - the start and the development during the years:

Cavaliers have been a part of our family since 1980, and we have been showing and breeding for the last fifteen-sixteen years.

We have got all four colours, but have specialised in ruby and black/tan. We are well known for our wholecolours, and we are one of
the leading and mostwinning breeders of these colours in Norway.

We have totally owned and/or bred 31 champions during the years. Of these 31 ones 27 are cavaliers; 14 rubies, 7 B/T's, 2 tricolors and 5 blenheims. Tibama-champions are at the moment living in Norway, Finland, Germany and Iceland.  We have sold several CC's winners abroad in different colours.   During the last two years we have also got 3 King Charles Champions - 2 blenheims and 1 ruby.

We live close to a town, but still on the countryside.  We have a lot of space for the dogs, both inside and outside.

Please check in on our news, and we do appreciate if you finish your visit with a few words in our guestbook.


Tibama Kennel started with Aud's great love for dogs. Shortly after her boyfriend also got the "disease" and they agreed to buy a dog immediately after they'de finished their studies.  After thorough investigation, and a positiv "heartattack" caused by a lovely cavalier,
Timmy got to be our first puppy . This was in the year 1980. His enthusiasm and loving character filled all our needs in a dog.
He was a nicely coulored tricolor. After a year with Timmy as our only dog, we got the urge for a cavalier with totally different colors.

After some time we found a Black and Tan dog from Sweden (Bambi). He was a lovely B/T with a nice tan and an incredible speed and courage.  These two followed us through thick and thin for about 10 years, and Timmy raised ur oldest children in dogcare.

When these two started to get weaker, we wanted to secure a new generation. The choice this time was a great blenheim dog who kept us busy through Timmy and Bambi's last fall.  This boy, Kavalerens Yankie Boy, was always happy and jumpy and almost became an agilitychampion.
To complete the circle of colors, we imported a little ruby dog from England (Sorata Julius).

After that we both got "hooked" and the world of dogshows entered our lives. Julius was Aud's heartbreaker and always enjoyed going to dogshows, a thing Aud almost never had the heart of denying him. At home he was the chief of the dogs, and ruled together with his Queen Jannicken (Rybergets Jewel also out of Sorata's breeding), and these two quickly became the heart and basis of our breeding. We'll never get a replacement for Jannicken & Julius. Julius was an epoke in the showring and was a legend already while he was alive.

He became first Norwegian, so Swedish and then an International Champion, full of enthusiasm and always proudly wawing his tail, until the illness put a stop to it all. (He died 10 year old because of cancer in the liver).  Julius was our great intruduction to showlife and breeding.
Because of him, our hearts will always choose a great ruby before any other colour.

Even though the breeding of wholecolours is small, and these are colours which is not the easiest to show up, we have taken the challenge of bringing the wholecolours in to the winningring. After thorough planning and very careful buyings from the best kennels in England. we are proud to be able to to say that we have succeded in getting the quality we wanted. We are happy to have the stock of today - almost 20 years after the start of our showing and breeding.

We are well known for our wholecolours, and we are one of the leading and mostwinning breeders of these colours in Norway.